Doug Eisenor

Supporting cancer care in Atlantic Canada. Learn More.

My Activity Tracking


My target 1600 kms

I’m facing the fight against cancer!

Nova Scotia has the highest cancer rates in all of Canada. 1 in 3 patients will not survive. To help combat these alarming stats, our BMO Ride for Cancer community is rallying like never before to introduce liquid biopsy technology that will help determine if a patient’s cancer is cured, if it has returned, and, if so, how best to treat it.

On Saturday, September 28, 2024, I’m riding alongside a community with one common goal: transforming local cancer care at the QEII Health Sciences Centre.  

Faster diagnosis saves lives, which is why BMO Ride for Cancer is on a mission to bring rapid cancer detection and monitoring to patients who have already undergone treatment. With a simple blood test that can happen anywhere in the province, QEII experts will use this revolutionary technology to uncover whether patients are cancer-free after surgery and the earliest signs if their cancer has returned.

This technology will be a game-changer. Life-changing benefits include:

  • improving survival rates and provide potential cures with earlier detection and personalized treatment options;
  • unlocking access to more clinical trials;
  • sparing patients from unnecessary treatments and harmful side effects;
  • keeping care closer to home and ensuring equitable access, as patients can undergo a simple blood test in any community in Nova Scotia;
  • reducing the number of visits required to the QEII, which ultimately impacts wait times;
  • providing critical answers about a patient’s cancer sooner, helping to relieve anxiety and worry; and much more.

By supporting my ride today, you are joining a community dedicated to moving the needle in cancer care for Nova Scotians. Your support will pave the way for a future of hope for all of us.

Are you ready to save lives?

To learn more about liquid biopsy technology and the impact your critical donation will have, click here.

My Achievements

Completed Profile Page

Shared Personal Page

Made a personal donation

Reached my fundraising goal!

My Updates

Accepting limitations

Sorry to say I have had to drop my distance to 100km. The long distance training was triggering my Afib too much for me to ride the full 160km. 
I appreciate all the support and donations to my ride, and I’m disappointed I can’t ride the distance I initially planned, but I’m confident I can still make the 100km.

And the winner is...

Winner of the Date night gift basket was Heather Ellis.
Thanks to those who bought tickets in support of my ride. 

Date Night Gift Basket Draw

Message me for tickets to this fundraiser. 
Prize is $100 gift card to Baton Rouge, movie tickets with snacks, $25 NSLC gift card, Mrs Vicki’s chips and a Lindt bar. 
Value $175. Tickets $5 each or 3/$10

Return to the work

Hello all,
My training was interrupted by a visit from Covid but I’m still committed to doing the ride. Next week I start again to work up to the 160km distance for Sept 28. 
Thank you to all who have supported my ride so far. I just need a little more to reach my goal. 

Training progress

On September 28th I am committed to riding 160 km in the BMO ride for Cancer. I’m working my way up to my pledged distance I’m up to doing 60km training rides and have raised $623 so far. I need your help to reach my fundraising goal of $1000. Donate to my ride to help me make a difference. 

2024 Ride Dedication

This is my 3rd year riding in the BMO Ride for Cancer. The first time was to honour a great person who was fighting her own battle with Pancreatic Cancer. Since then I've reflected on how many people in my life have also had their lives or those close to them taken, have survived, or are still battling Cancer. This year, my ride is dedicated to  Peggy, Steve, Kim and all those who have left us. As well as the growing number who are fighting now or survived a fight, like Sean, Wanda, Lydia, Mark, Pat and many others.

Thank you to my Supporters


Robert Agombar


Dwight Perkins


Paul Mcnair

Good luck, you're the best!


Jo And Corey Hobelman

Hope this meets your goal.


Doug Eisenor

Funds raised from gift basket


Stacey Maclean


Rick Whiting


Tony Parker


Megan Hann


Keith Penman

Good luck in your ride Doug!


Sophie Grant


Jo And Corey Hobelman

Proud of you Doug! Keep up the good work 👏


Karen Clements


Ralph Maclean


Charlie Brown

Good Luck


Bruce Amero


Nick Dearman


Marti Maguire

Good luck Doug!


Stan & Ginny Thomas

You are making a difference


John Marshall

Once again Doug, thank you for what you do


Steven And Elaine Venturini

Safe cycling Doug!


Bruce Oakley



Take a Chance on me!


Doug Eisenor

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